Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Liposuction in Los Angeles

Total body lift surgery is obliging for patients who have lost skin elasticity all over their body. Excess skin can cause harsh chafing and discomfort, as well as prevent patients from wearing clothes in a smaller size. Total body lifts tackle every part of the body that commonly accumulates fat and surplus skin: arms, breasts, abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks can all be recontoured to achieve a smooth, trim, and lifted appearance.

You may listen about total body lift surgery referred to as an upper and lower body lift. In an upper body lift, the arms are care for with an arm lift and the breasts are contoured with a breast lift. These two surgeries can be performed separately or at some stage in a mid or lower body lift.

However a total body lift is the most comprehensive way to rejuvenate your figure after massive weight loss, you need to take into account the extended recovery period required for such complex surgery. You should be ready to remain at home for up to six weeks after your total body lift surgery and to follow all instructions given to you by your plastic surgeon. Once the swelling has gone down and the scars begin to fade, the majority patients are extremely satisfied with their new appearance.

The subsequent are the individual components of body contouring:

Arm lift or brachioplasty - The extra flesh on the arms of bariatric patients virtually always appears on the underside of the upper arm and is sometimes referred to as "bat wings". Surgeons make incisions made from the armpit to the elbow to remove the skin and create a more agreeable contour. Consequently, surgeons open the arm on its base so that the resulting scar is fairly well hidden. A brachioplasty procedure can employ some liposuction after the cut is made. With the arm opened, the surgeon pulls the skin tight and then trims away the excess skin, depending on the patient, can be a pound of skin per arm or more.

Breast lift or mastopexy - By trimming surplus tissue from the upper breast, the surgeon can move breasts which usually droop to the umbillicus to a more upright and full position. The procedure also often needs an implant to make up for lost fat and tissue inside the breast. Scars on women are approximately always hidden inside the area covered by the bra.

Stomach lift or abdominoplasty - Surplus skin hanging down over the pubic region is often the distorting feature that most concerns and bothers patients. The stomach pannus retains moisture, and causes rashes because of skin rubbing against itself which usually leads to poor hygiene. As the surgical procedure to remove it is known as a panniculectomy, there is frequently more work to be done for patients who suffer from large amounts of hanging skin. To endow with improved contours on the waist, back and flanks, surgeons sometimes perform a belt lipectomy, (also known as a torsoplasty or a circumferential lumpectomy).The cut goes all the way around the patient’s midsection at the level of the lower waist. The surgeon uses more liposuction on the stomach and flanks while trimming excess skin from the patient’s back and sides too. The abdominoplasty

Know More about Tummy Tuck Southern California

In Southern California, the land of Hollywood, it is but natural that it is also the headquarters of all things linked to body contouring. Whether it is Tummy Tuck, or Liposuction,Plastic Surgery Los Angeles is big with a number of famous plastic surgeons having a foundation in the city. So much so, domestic medical tourism has debatably its main center in Los Angeles.

A person might be disappointed with the results of their Beverly Hills tummy tuck or abdominoplasty due to irregularity, highly visible surgical scar or their location, intolerable visible deformities, bunching and rippling. The skin near or at the incisions may heal poorly, wounds may interrupt, and sensation can be altered in the areas of surgery or adjacent to it.

Tummy tuck scars can sometimes be revised or at least moved to a less visible location. It is not uncommon to find patients who have had their tummy tuck notch placed too high, just under their belly button. These women are often not able to hide these scars under a bikini. This scar can often be lowered to where it can be covered under a bikini.

Unnecessary bulging and protrusion of the abdomen after a tummy tuck can be caused by several things. First, it is not common for some women to gain weight after Los Angeles tummy tuck surgery which can cause accumulation of fat in convinced areas of the abdomen and flanks. Second, tightening of the abdominal wall muscles can become undone with either heavy lifting, or else weight gain. There are even times when the Beverly Hills plastic surgeon might not have performed a complete tightening of the abdominal Rectus Muscles along its whole length. This can also be revised similar to fix of a ventral hernia or incisional hernia.

Smoking or use of Nicotine products can be harmful to the results of a tummy tuck. Nicotine causes harsh chocking of the small and delicate blood vessels that supply blood to the umbilicus and the other areas of the abdominal skin. So, smoking can cause death of the umbilicus or the abdominal wall skin and opening or dehiscence of the incision line. If this comes about, a Board Certified Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon can possibly revise your abdominoplasty and repair or reconstruct these wounds.

Having said this, it may not be possible to fully right, revise, or improve upon the result of your tummy tuck. Go after the instructions of your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon before and after surgery can minimize your chance of developing complications or unsatisfactory results.

Huge Weight Loss By Body Lift

More people are considering a total body lifts surgery after weight loss mass. Before undergoing surgery as a body lift, make sure you choose a doctor you trust.

Over twenty thousand Americans have suffered a total body lift after massive weight loss. Many people have massive weight loss after surgery, dieting, pregnancy mass. Due to the sudden loss of weight of their body can produce excess skin on the body, which are unattractive to the person.

On the other hand, the excess skin can cause discomfort by producing rashes and infections and the chances are higher if the skin on the patient lack of elasticity. It can also prevent the person from wearing clothes that they like. Much plastic surgery can make post-bariatric surgery and use a variety of different body techniques. They can lift the whole body, sculpture, or remove the skin behind.

Whether it is through bariatric surgery or diet and exercise, weight loss often results in massive areas of loose, excess skin. If you lose a significant number of weight through changes in your eating habits or activities, loss of weight after cosmetic surgery procedures such as lifting a body in May be a good option to remove any excess skin. The choice to undergo body after weight loss is a great way to discover your new slim figure.

There are several steps that you can consider sending after bariatric surgery. For example, many choose to get liposuction, which removes small amounts of adipose tissue. Others get a Tummy Tuck, which removes excess skin, but can strengthen the muscles around the abdomen. This may create a thinner, flatter belly.

Some choose to make an arm or leg lift smooth thighs and arms after the surgery. With one end lift, cosmetic surgery reshapes the ass. Finally, many people choose to have a chest to restore the natural slope of the volume of the chest.

There are several risks and complications that can occur with a body lift. For example, in May you have surgical scars, which are permanent. Usually, these alerts will disappear within eighteen months, but there are people who scar worse than others.

Many patients also experience bleeding during and after surgery, which in extreme cases may require a blood transfusion. Usually, mild cases can be treated by aspiration or drainage of the surface. To reduce the risk of massive bleeding, it should not take blood thinners.

There is also a chance to develop an infection, although most physicians prescribe antibiotics to prevent infections from occurring. There will certainly be some pain and nausea, swelling and bruising. To minimize bruising, patients should wear a support all the time for three weeks. You should also massage the area daily.

Before surgery, be sure to choose a plastic surgeon you can trust. Understand all the risks and side effects before undergoing a plastic surgery procedure.

used lab equipment La Jolla Breast Lift Surgery

Get free of Excess Skin after Massive Weight Loss

You have lost any weight, you are on a strict diet jogging-You're even! But there is just a problem indeed many problems:

* the excess skin, you do not expect left after weight loss.

* Stubborn pockets of fat that diet and not to move.

* After losing a lot of weight but there is little left that will not disappear.

Do not! Before dropping the car and decide you are condemned to the fat and begin to grow double cheese in the mouth. There is a plastic surgery option. Plastic surgery after massive weight loss is an excellent tool for formatting these small pockets of flab that will not say goodbye. The "body lift" is most recommended for plastic surgery.

How the body Lift Gets the Job done

the body lift is a combination of plastic surgery which removes fat and tissue from different parts of the body. Tummy Tuck attacks fat belly, arms lifting the fight against "bingo wings", aspires liposuction fat, remove the battles end in fat, and thigh lift, you get point.

Unlike these techniques of plastic surgery, body lift works on the body for all body. It uses smaller versions of these procedures to pinch a little here, a little back there and give you the finished product-A perfect body! Remember to remove the body as the outcome of your massive weight loss saga.

Find the right Doc

Body lift is becoming increasingly popular surgery, and as he does, there are more doctors everywhere with the necessary experience to play. The first step is to research plastic surgeons in your area. You should seek a doctor who has some experience with the body lift. As it uses many different techniques, experience is key. If you cannot find one who does agency in your area, you should consider traveling to another area.

After finding a surgeon experienced body lift, there should be a consultation. During the consultation, your doctor will explain the procedure. They explain what you can expect from your surgery. They'll also ask you about your medical history, and make an overall assessment of your flab problems.

The consultation is also your chance to obtain information about the surgery. Ask lots of questions, have a look at the photos before and after, and ask the doctor about their experiences. If there is something that makes you walk around the clinic or the doctor, go elsewhere. It is far too important to leave in the hands of someone you do not fully trust.

You can expect some recovery time. Because the body uses to remove all small operations, the recovery can be severe. Make sure you follow the instructions of the doctor and above all, take it easy for a while. Do not engage in any part of your body. Just take a vacation on the couch and make someone else do anything too bad!

Do not feel gypped after massive weight loss. Get rid of the guard that flab around with a body lift. Plastic surgery after massive weight loss can help you the way you want to be thin and happy!

Arm Lift and Thigh Lift Procedures After Weight Loss

The loss of a dramatic amount of weight is very exciting and rewarding. You feel much healthier and probably much happier. Whether you have achieved your new and improved diet and exercise by one or more surgical procedures like liposuction or gastric bypass is a different matter.

Fortunately modern technology and plastic surgery has made it possible for you to cut and strengthen your skin to enhance and complement your weight loss joy. The most popular surgeries after serious amount of weight loss are the arm lifts and thigh lifts.

An arm lift, also known as Brachioplasty is a procedure to get rid of extra, lying on the skin of your arm. To perform this procedure, a plastic surgeon will first give you a general anesthetic or a sedative intravenously or general anesthesia. Then he or she will make an incision along the inside of your arm from the armpit to the elbow. The incision can also be made at the rear of the arm. If you feel that you need to get rid of the extra fat from your arms, your surgeon can aspire to liposuction the excess at this point. The plastic surgeon then reshapes the tissue tightens and the permanent sutures. He or she removes excess skin of the arm and extends from the skin remains to sew it back up.

An arm lift can be performed in a facility or outside of a hospital and it usually takes an hour or two to complete. Dressings and stitches will be removed after a few days and you can be back to work or other normal activities (excluding exercise) in a week. The recovery of an arm lift includes swelling and bruising and pain that can be managed with medications. The main negative side effects of an arm lift is the scar on his arm. You just have to decide if you prefer to have stretched his arms with a long scar or flabby arms

A thigh lift can help you get rid of the loose and dimpled skin on your thighs. There are three different types of leg lifts. These include the lift on the areas of the inner thigh, the thigh bilateral and median thigh. They are all slightly different focus areas and differences in the precise positioning and size of the incision. In general, however, a lift is performed as a thigh incision is made between the thigh and the pubic area. Some excess skin (and fat through liposuction, if desired) is excised and the rest is from the skin to respond to and the incision is sewn together. All lifts are intended to reshape the leg and reduce the appearance of cellulite and sagging skin.

The recovery of a thigh lift is very similar to lift an arm, but with slower recovery. It takes usually two weeks before, you can return to work and three weeks before the swelling really starts to calm down. May you find uncomfortable to sit or lay on his back for some time. When you heal, there will be scars, but usually they are easily hidden by rows of swimsuits or sub-lines.

Know More About Total Body Lift

Total body lift surgery is obliging for patients who have lost skin elasticity all over their body. Excess skin can cause harsh chafing and discomfort, as well as prevent patients from wearing clothes in a smaller size. Total body lifts tackle every part of the body that commonly accumulates fat and surplus skin: arms, breasts, abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks can all be recontoured to achieve a smooth, trim, and lifted appearance.

You may listen about total body lift surgery referred to as an upper and lower body lift. In an upper body lift, the arms are care for with an arm lift and the breasts are contoured with a breast lift. These two surgeries can be performed separately or at some stage in a mid or lower body lift.

However a total body lift is the most comprehensive way to rejuvenate your figure after massive weight loss, you need to take into account the extended recovery period required for such complex surgery. You should be ready to remain at home for up to six weeks after your total body lift surgery and to follow all instructions given to you by your plastic surgeon. Once the swelling has gone down Zahnarztpraxis K¿ln Riehl and the scars begin to fade, the majority patients are extremely satisfied with their new appearance.

The subsequent are the individual components of body contouring:

Arm lift or brachioplasty - The extra flesh on the arms of bariatric patients virtually always appears on the underside of the upper arm and is sometimes referred to as "bat wings". Surgeons make incisions made from the armpit to the elbow to remove the skin and create a more agreeable contour. Consequently, surgeons open the arm on its base so that the resulting scar is fairly well hidden. A brachioplasty procedure can employ some liposuction after the cut is made. With the arm opened, the surgeon pulls the skin tight and then trims away the excess skin, depending on the patient, can be a pound of skin per arm or more.

Breast lift or mastopexy - By trimming surplus tissue from the upper breast, the surgeon can move breasts which usually droop to the umbillicus to a more upright and full position. The procedure also often needs an implant to make up for lost fat and tissue inside the breast. Scars on women are approximately always hidden inside the area covered by the bra.

Stomach lift or abdominoplasty - surplus skin hanging down over the pubic region is often the distorting feature that most concerns and bothers patients. The stomach pannus retains moisture, and causes rashes because of skin rubbing against itself which usually leads to poor hygiene. As the surgical procedure to remove it is known as a panniculectomy, there is frequently more work to be done for patients who suffer from large amounts of hanging skin. To endow with improved contours on the waist, back and flanks, surgeons sometimes perform a belt lipectomy, (also known as a torsoplasty or a circumferential lumpectomy).The cut goes all the way around the patient’s midsection at the level of the lower waist. The surgeon uses more liposuction on the stomach and flanks while trimming excess skin from the patient’s back and sides too. The abdominoplasty and belt lipectomy incisions are placed so that the resulting scar is hidden within the majority underwear and swimsuits.

Lower body lift- trims surplus skin on the buttocks and thighs. For an inner thigh lift, the surgeon makes an incision lofty on the inner leg, starting near the groin and ongoing down to the knee. A number of fats may be removed with liposuction. The surgeon then removes surplus skin and redrapes the remaining skin before closing the long incision, leaving the patient with tighter and more attractive thighs.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tummy Tuck, Abdominoplasty, Body Lift, or Thigh Lift Surgery Improvement

Los Angles Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty, lower body lift, or thigh lift usually take three to five hours depending on the size of the patient, and extent of surgery.

- Following surgery, patients are monitored in the recovery room for several hours until they are stable enough to go home, or a monitoring facility.

- In the recovery room, patients receiving drugs against pain, antibiotics, intravenous fluids, nausea and anti-drugs. Although drugs against pain to make the pain bearable, they are not simply eliminate the pain. Meanwhile, you are also kept warm with blankets warming and your calves are massaged by the bottom. Because the mobility of the ends is very important to maintain the ongoing movement to prevent formation of blood clots, the nurse can help you take some measures.

- In the first three hours after surgery, it is not wise to drink plenty of fluids because of the risk of vomiting. It is better to wet your mouth.

- After the surgery, it is normal to feel tight in the belly, thighs and buttocks. You must wear a lap belt or body. There may be some drainage or soiling your belt your injuries, which is normal. Do not alter, delete or manipulate your belt until instructed to do so by your surgeon. Make sure the belt is too tight and that its size is kept at the highest level of riding your chest once.

- Patients have several drains attached to a blister-type container collection. The nurse you and / or your family, the registration of their production, and to empty periodically. Make sure there is no tension or stress on these drains.

- In the bed, patients are placed in a semi-sitting position with knees bent and back. This reduces the strain on the abdomen and thighs tight. Once patients leave the recovery facility, they must remain in a semi-erect when they are walking. Sitting in an armchair or sofa is very good. Make sure you have enough cushioning and support. May you are on your side, as long as you keep your body bent to the first 4 days after surgery.

- Most people develop muscle spasms in the muscles of the back or side as a result of being in a folded position for several days. This can be helped by others from your massage your back smooth muscle and apply heat to these areas. You should not apply heat or cold to your surgical areas, because it can potentially harm the movement in these areas and complications.

- Even if it is good to stay hydrated, do not drink too much water, fruit juices or soft drinks because they can make you more nauseated. Above all, drink Gatorade, gently, or tea.

- It is good to be ambulatory and to remain sedentary. That said, take your time with things and expect a slow increase in your business every day.

- Most people can become more independent after a week and be able to drive after 10-14 days. This may vary depending on your age, overall endurance, the extent of your surgery, and the level of pain medication you take. You are not authorized motor while taking drugs.

- Although little by little, you feel good, independent of several weeks, it is not unusual to sometimes feel tired or exhausted to easily get up to several months after surgery.

- Most patients are allowed to take a shower by the third day after surgery, but wait until your surgeon and expressly gives you instructions with regard to care for your incisions and drains . We must not sit in a bathroom, Jacuzzi, or go to a public swimming pool or ocean for about 6 weeks after surgery.

- The skin area where you had surgery becomes dry and sometimes itchy. Massage with a thick cream, is very useful.

The Variation between a Complete and a Partial Tummy Tuck

Maybe you've just had your last kid or you finally lost some weight, but you can't enjoy the aftermath because of this sagging skin. A tummy tuck can take care of this excess skin, but what kind do you need?

There are two versions-a partial, also called a mini, and a full tummy tuck. Here are the criteria and what you can expect from each procedure to help you see what your situation calls for.

Getting a mini tummy tuck

As the name implies, this procedure is not as extensive as a full one. The incision is shorter and the operation itself is shorter. A shorter incision is made between the bellybutton and the pubic area. Loose skin and fat are removed and minimal abdominal tightening can be done at the same time. Because it is less invasive, it can be done with a local or under general anesthesia and you can go home the same day.

Now, a mini requires less recovery time and less visible scarring. However, it is also limited to people who are within at least 10% of their ideal body weight. Another issue with this type is that it only addresses the area directly below the navel. That being said, the bellybutton does not need to be repositioned afterwards. Liposuction can be used along with a mini tummy tuck to remove any remaining fat deposits that throw off the contoured results.

A full tummy tuck is much more invasive and is always performed under general anesthesia. A longer incision is made across the pubis area and another incision is made around the bellybutton. The skin is pulled taut and the excess is removed. The abdominal muscles can also be tightened at this time. Because of the extensive skin removal, the bellybutton will be relocated to a natural-looking location.

If you are more than 10% of your ideal weight, it is likely you will need a full tummy tuck. Also, the amount of sagging skin around the abdomen and waist dictate the type of procedure. Because it is more extensive, a full procedure requires a longer recovery time as well. Though less likely with a partial, the risks are similar except for the ones that accompany general anesthesia.

Whether you need a mini procedure or the works, you want to choose the right surgeon to do the work. Check his credentials and make sure he is a board certified plastic surgeon. Once you've one this, make an appointment for a consultation.

This is where you find out if you feel comfortable with the surgeon. You may feel vulnerable and embarrassed so having a doctor who can put you at ease and that you like is paramount to a successful procedure. There is a lot to be said for a good bed-side manner. You've made your decision and chosen your surgeon. Now, you're ready to embark on a new phase in your life-one that involves bikinis and fitted shirts. Say goodbye to that sagging skin with a partial or full tummy tuck.